Monday, July 30, 2007


Does anyone out there know anything about jogging strollers? I need one now that I've got to train for the Detroit Half Marathon, and I can't tell what kind to get. I'm worried that the BOB Revolution (with a lockable swivel front wheel) is too "all purpose" and won't be the right thing for running ten plus miles with, but I'm worried that the Baby Jogger with the fixed wheel will be incredibly annoying for anything but running.
Any advice?


Jennette Fulda said...

I met a woman at BlogHer this weekend who does reviews of baby products. If she doesn't know about joggin strollers, she probably knows who does. Her name's Adrienne and she runs Baby Toolkit at You can e-mail her and tell her you're a friend of PastaQueen.

Sun Runner said...

I asked another running friend of mine who has young children what kind of baby jogger she uses. She told me they use ones from Baby Jogger. She said, "They have been great for us and have lasted a long time- I use them both a lot and they have held up well. They are light and easy to turn too." So I hope that helps!

Anonymous said...

I went through the same thing when my 1st was an infant. I ended up buying a Koelstra (I forget the model) b/c I thought it was the best of both worlds. Turns out it was WAY too heavy for any meaningful running, but man, I loved that thing. The guys at Super Runners Shop in NYC were hardcore fans of the babyjogger and I've heard it many times since--wish I had gotten one. I suggest the message boards over at Urbanbaby (dot) com--put jogging into the search engine--those NYers are in the know when it comes to all strollers!